Saturday 17 July 2010

World Cup lapbook

At last, we've finished our World Cup lapbook. I'm not at all interested in football, like the rest of my family, but my husband enjoys it, and it seems that Iona is taking after him. She's always been interested when football comes on the TV, so I decided that a project on it was a good way to introduce her to the idea of other countries. Firstly I got her a World Cup sticker album, and she's really enjoyed helping to put stickers in it, although not as much, unfortunately, as pulling them back out. By now, though, she's much more interested in what the photos represent, and which ones she's got and hasn't got. She's also fascinated with the flags of the countries, often asking for her "football book" and asking whose all the flags on the front are. She particularly likes the England flag, and the way she's been seeing it around the streets and in our neighbour's garden.
Next we made a big map to show where all the countries playing in the World Cup are. I printed off a map from a website (which I've forgotten and can't now find) and when each team played their first game (in theory; in practice it was often later!) I showed Iona where their country was on the map and labelled it:
Unfortunately, she's a bit too keen to add some lines herself, as can be seen, so it can't be kept anywhere she can get hold of it (also because of a regrettable tendency to tear things into shreds if she has them in her room at night).

For the bulk of the lapbook we made minibooks which we found at Teacher's Planet: Iona began to lose interest in them after a while, so Mummy coloured the last few.

We also used Teacher Planet to make a cardboard footballer: Iona enjoyed playing with that, so I don't have a copy of it. I printed the design on card, Iona coloured it, then I cut it out and secured it with split pins.

On the back of the lapbook we put a sort of strip book, but instead of being fastened along one side it is only fastened at the corner by a split pin. It introduces Iona to football vocabulary, as well as reading:
We also found via Teacher Planet a Spanish worksheet for counting footballing objects, and finished it off with a couple of photos of Iona's mock vuvuzela and England hat, with a note about the vuvuzela (which will hopefully be forgotten after this World Cup!).

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